Monday, August 9, 2010

a busy summer

Wow I can't believe it has been over a month since I have blogged. Where has the time gone?? We are now on group 4 for the summer. It is our last group we will be hosting. It has been a summer of meeting new and very interesting people. Of saying "hello" and "good bye" every two weeks. It has been a summer of watching an orphanage be built by leaps and bounds. Of tired and dirty visitors at night. We have made tacos, spaghetti, beef stew, chapati's by the hundreds, rice, rice and more rice. It has been a very busy and exhausting summer.

I seem to always fall apart when an old team leaves. I feel sad and homesick and I just realized this morning it is because I have taken care of and nurtured friendship with people living in the same home I am living in and than they leave. I know the reality is I will probably never see these people again. I don't know what it is about Kenya but people seem to become close quickly here. The fact that we are all working towards the same goals is part of the reason. Also living as community draws people closer. I will treasure the memories of all the people who have passed through my life this summer and will never forget them. It has been a great time.

If you would like to follow the blog and see more of what the group has done this summer go to: