I have been in Kenya since June. June, July, and August are the rainy season. I have never been here during the rainy season and I really enjoyed the down pours and thunder this summer. I think it rains a whole years worth of Reno's yearly rain total in one day. It is really great! I also enjoyed that I wasn't sweating all the time like last year. The roads do get very muddy but I am happy to say I have not slipped AND fallen once. I did get caught on the back of a piki (motercycle taxi) and got soaked but no other incidents.
In September the dry season begins and the rains lesson; normally! Not this year. It is almost November and we are still getting huge downpours of rain in the afternoons and through the nights. I am now tired of the rain!!! It is cold, muddy and annoying. The clothes never dry!! I am hoping of one month of warm weather while I am here.
Last week Daniel and the interns got caught in the rain on their walk home from town. Thought you would enjoy seeing them!