Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Less than a week!

It is less than a week before I leave for Kenya. Yikes!!! There are some down falls of being a "highly" organized person. I have been packed, completely, for a week and have nothing to do this week before I leave. Seriously, I don't think the week will never end. It is crawling by. I also know that on Monday there will be a million things to be done, which is what I was hoping to avoid by being all packed. Last week when I did my final trip to Walmart I said, that is it! I will not go back there again before I leave. But, on Monday I bet I end up at the front door of Walmart.

I have spent the last week saying good bye to my friends. For some reason it feels as if I am leaving for much longer than three months. The good byes are heartfelt with the tendency of being emotional. Why does a long vacation seem like a "good bye" instead of a "see you later"???

This time next week I will be on the LONGGGG bus ride to Kitale after flying for 24hours. With every moment ripe for adventure!