Monday, September 7, 2009

1st Week In Kenya

We left a week ago tomorrow for our adventure in Kenya. Larry and I and seven interns landed safely in Nairobi without a hitch. Jennifer's bags did not show up but she received them a few days later and looked great in everyone else's clothes.
This is the first time I have been here with interns and Meridith's husband Sean. What a joy it is to be with such an amazing group of young people and get to be part of their experiences. It is a privilege and an honor beyond words.
It is so nice to know that I will have three months with Daniel and get to be part of his daily life. He is an amazing man and I find out daily how amazing he truly is.
Meridith married since the last time I was in Kenya and I am enjoying watching her and Sean together. What a sweet and loving couple and Sean is amazing to Meridith. My heart sings daily as I watch them.
I don't know what God has planned for me while I am here but I am open to whatever He has in mind.
Andrew leaves the United States today and meets up with Jared in London. I have a feeling they will have many stories and adventures from London to Kitale and I will hold my breath until they arrive.