Saturday, September 19, 2009


We went to visit In Step this week. This is a home for abandoned babies and there are currently 68 babies there. Jeff and Carla run this ministry and are doing an amazing job. It is well run, clean, efficient and the children are healthy and happy. They have “aunts” who help care for the children, do laundry, clean and cook. It is amazing.

For those of you who know me well you know my weakness for babies. I have been wanting to visit this home for a year and I was thrilled when the day came to go. We drove up and in the front yard were all of the children and babies playing. Imagine the sight, 68 babies and toddlers playing happily in the front yard. I immediately found the youngest baby (8 weeks old) and held him most of the day. I was in heaven. Carla showed us the house and the property and told the most amazing stories on how God has blessed them and provided for all of their needs.

I wonder, what motivates a middle aged couple to take on the huge responsibility of providing care to 68 children? When most couples this age are looking forward to retiring and “doing nothing” this couple is looking forward to the next baby that will come into their home. I am humbled!!