A couple of days ago the girls and I walked four doors down from the TI compound to visit a project that has 19 babies at it. This is what I have been looking forward to and couldn't wait. We were greeted so warmly by the staff and by Naomi who is from England and runs the program. We sat and held babies and talk to Naomi for a few hours. I got to hold baby Lillian the entire time. (I know, I don't share well).
As I looked at these 19 beautiful and happy children, I wondered what had become of their mothers. These children had been abandoned to strangers or worse to die. Did their mothers think of them? Wonder where they were? Long for them? Where are they now? I am saddened and confused by it all. As a mother I don't understand. Did their mom's abandon them in hopes for a better future for these babies? Or did they not want the responsibilty of having to feed and care for their child?