Sunday, September 27, 2009

Because it is . . . worth making a child feel beautiful.

I met a woman named Diane at one of our home parties several years ago. Diane loves to sew and began making little girls dresses for Kenyan children for the past couple of years. When I would come to Kenya or when Daniel would return from a visit home Diane would have a stack of colorful and beautiful dresses for us to hand out. Last year when I came I was able to give Veronica a beautiful dress. Veronica had just arrived at the orphanage and had been shy and withdrawn. When I put the dress on her she became alive and happy. I know she felt so beautiful!!!!! It was a true gift for her and probably something she had never had. Veronica died two months ago from Aids after getting the chicken pox. Veronica died knowing she was worth a new beautiful dress.

This past week we were able to distribute some of Diane’s dresses at our children’s home. The girls came alive. When we returned on Saturday for our weekly visit they were dressed in their new clothes and were beaming. They looked so beautiful!!

All the way from Reno, NV Diane is making a difference in children’s lives in Africa! Thank you so much for your contribution!!