Sunday, June 13, 2010

Because it is time to go back!

I am on my way back to Kenya, this time for six months. I will be helping Transformed International with a group that is coming to build an orphanage over the summer. Than in September I will have a group of interns I will help with for three months. I can’t believe that I get to be part of both of these projects.

I am nervous and a bit apprehensive as I wait for my flight in the Reno airport. Leaving my family and friends is hard. Going to a place that isn’t always “comfortable” can be unnerving. Being gone for almost six months is a concept I can’t even imagine. All the babies in my home church will be totally different. My son and his wife will be married almost two years. It will be winter.

I have goals I have set for myself while gone. I will share them if I accomplish them. . . . or even if I don’t.

I am excited and sad. Scared and happy. I am ready to begin the adventure. Because . . . it is time to go back.