Friday, December 18, 2009



When one thinks of coming to Kenya they imagine working with orphans, widows, street kids and the poorest of the poor. Working in a village with dirt roads, mud huts and extreme poverty. Children with ragged clothes and empty eyes. This is the image we hold of being a “missionary”. This is what we WANT to do!

I knew that this trip to Kenya would be different for me. Although I would do all of the above there was something else for me to do with my time here. My main purpose was to help with the internship program and the five young women who were going to be part of it. Being the mother of three boys I was so excited to be able to parent five young women for three months. And I was never disappointed. It is a joy to be part of their lives and to watch them grow in their personal lives, to discover who they are becoming and to watch them learn and react to a county of children who live in poverty they never imagined. As I look back on these last three months I know I will never forget being part of these young women’s lives. It is truly one of the top “experiences” of my life.

Stephanie, you are growing to be such a wonderful and godly young woman. I was able to watch you change before my eyes.

Julia, you learned so so much about yourself and who your are becoming. You worked so hard on the TI videos and yourwork with them is so professional.

Steph, oh gosh, what a delight you were every day. I never knew what you would say but you always said it with a smile.What a blessing to occupy the same space everyday that your joyful soul occupied.

Jennifer, I got to discover who you were without all the “loud” people in your life that you meld with. You are a beautiful young woman and you have no idea the growth you experienced yet. I look forward to being part of your life for a very long time.

Hannah, what an amazing young woman. You gave of yourself until you were exhausted and than gave some more. I look forward to many more times with you and will make an effort to keep you as part of my life even if we don’t live in the same state. All of you enriched my life!!!

I also had the amazing pleasure of spending time with the “white” women who live their lives in Kenya. I have had a burden for these women who gave up their comforts to follow theirs and their husbands’ dreams to live in Africa and make a difference. What an honor to meet with you all once a week and encourage you in the way you are living your lives. We met for Bible Study but is was oh so much more. I treasure our friendships and long to be with you again.

Kenya is always full of surprises and this visit my surprise was the fellow American that God brought my way. I will never forget any one of you.