Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The end of Camp! and the dream!!

As I stated at the beginning of the summer I have always wanted to run a summer camp. This summer I got to fulfill that dream, of sorts. We had teams come to Kenya to build an orphanage. Every two weeks groups would switch out, one arriving at noon and one leaving at 3:00. At the end of the summer I asked myself why I ever wanted to run a summer camp!!!!! Up before sunrise to make breakfast six days a week. During the day my job was to make sure everything got done in time for the group to return for dinner, sometimes cooking the dinner myself. Being available to answer questions, show how the shower worked and to release campers stuck in the bathroom before Daniel fixed the door. Helping hang the abundance of laundry that was hand washed daily, taking it down before it rained, putting it back up the next morning in hopes it would get dry that day. And than making new and wonderful friends to have them leave me in two weeks time. Most I will never see again.

I don’t want to run a summer camp anymore. I had no idea how much work was involved. NO IDEA!!! I had no idea how hard it would be to say good bye to so many people. My dream has been fulfilled!!