Friday, September 10, 2010

the new Interns

The interns are arriving this week. Six wonderful women who have decided to fulfill their dreams of living in Africa for three months, serving, learning and growing. I am so excited I can’t wait to lay eyes on each of them, to get to know them, their dreams and their hopes for the future. Sean, Meridith, Daniel and I will all go to Nairobi to meet each of them as they get off the airplane. What a thrill for them and for us as we get to be part of their lives for the next few months. We will forever be bonded and will never forget the time we had together in a strange new land.

Some of the tasks the interns will have is learning to live in community with one another and the TI staff. This will probably be the hardest and most valuable task they will take on. They will be encouraged to work with children, young mothers, widows, babies and other missionaries. They will get to come along Transformed International and other ministries in the area. And they will make many new friends.

I think for me, being the mother of three boys, the thrill of sharing life with these young women for three months is what I am most excited about. (Like my summer camp dream, my dream for having girls may change!!!) A house full of silly girl stuff, giggles, hair, nails and tears is so exciting for me. All the things that are important to women that my sons will never understand. That is what I look forward to!! Daniel and Sean will be outnumbered this year! Poor Guys will need to have some man nights amidst all of the girl talk.

I hope that you will get to know Saprina, Kara, Ellie, Chrisy, Robin and Rebekha with me the next three months. I hope to share the thrill of this adventure as they begin their Africa dream