Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Because it is good to visit again

Another trip to visit Ruth’s family and sew in Jua Kali

We ventured again to visit Ruth’s family in Turbo as Daniel did not have the opportunity to visit them on our first trip. I decided I would go alone the day before in order to spend the night in Jua Kali with Sally again. She wanted to learn to piece quilts. Again, there is nothing like sitting in front of her shop and sewing. The children gathered around my sewing machine to be with me and talk and the older people walked by and stared. I don’t know why I get such a kick out of it. Maybe it is because I get to be a white person in a Kenyan’s world. I love being there, chatting with Sally, eating her wonderful Kenyan food and getting to experience village life.

The next day Daniel arrived with one of interns, Hannah and Jared, a staff member and off we went to meet Ruth’s family. Such a delight to be there! Her mother, brother, sister and great grandmother are delightful and going a second time allowed me to process a bit more. It seems I can no longer imagine that Ruth ever lived in Africa and when I realize she did I am beyond grateful she is home with me. It is such a hard life here especially if you live in the village. No water, electricity, stores, transportation. You must walk to get anything you may need and the living conditions are marginal; a mud hut and a fire to cook on. It is so hard to live here. Always hungry and no guarantee there will be food tomorrow or a way to make money. In my eyes it looks hopeless! In their eyes, it is daily life.