Saturday, November 7, 2009

Because it is good to vacation.

We are in Malindi for a week. All the interns and staff minus Meredith and Sean.  We are staying is a beautiful resort thanks to Julia’s parents and I would say each of us feel like we are experiencing a piece of heaven here. It appears the town is mostly visited by Italians and the resort we are staying is owned by an Italian. We have rented two condos each having two bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchen with a fold out couch in the living room. It has an amazing pool that we visit several times a day and a nice little town with a beach within walking distance. We have snorkeled twice since being here. I just can’t believe I have gotten to snorkel in the Indian Ocean!! Amazing!

It has been so nice to see Daniel relaxing, getting a break and enjoying himself. I am not sure he will make it to the United States this year so it is a blessing to get to vacation with him. The interns and staff are also having so much fun and relaxing as well as looking at ministry opportunities. I am excited to see what the future will bring.

On our first snorkel trip I got to experience many of the interns first experience snorkeling. It was delightful. Jared played in the ocean for the first time while here and several of the interns have never had the opportunity to vacation like this. So much delight is in getting to experience people’s “firsts” with them. It is nice to get a chance to rest but all are excited to get back to Kitale and complete their last month in Kenya.

We leave on Monday to return for two days in Nairobi, picking up Michael Bishop, and than onto Kitale. It will be nice to be “home” and back to work.

Pictures will follow when there is a better connection.