Monday, May 5, 2008

Because it is Kenya

The power has flickered on and off for the past few days and the internet at the house has been off all weekend. It hasn’t rained for a while so some are running out of water. But . . it rained tonight which gave us another day of water and I guess “they” flick the switch tomorrow at 8:30 am and it restarts the internet. All the luxuries of Kenya and I whine when I don’t have them for a few days.

It is interesting to long to be somewhere for two years and than feel homesick when I get over here. I am not sure why I have missed home the last few days but I have. Maybe it was the long trip to Kisii. Seems to have taken a lot out of me. We have been very busy since we have gotten here and I am tired. This is our last full week in Kitale before we head to Nairobi and than to Paris for a few days. Transformed International got an intern from the UK this past weekend so that has added some additional interest to the mix. Tim is a welcome addition and has fit into the mix quit well. I am enjoying him being here and wish more interns had been here during our visit. It is so fun to meet new people.

With our last week here we have made the plans for the week and it will be busy as well. Not only are we seeing more projects but we are having a worship night here on Tuesday night and a huge BBQ on Thursday night. Sigh . . . maybe I am just getting old.