Thursday, May 1, 2008

Because it is Kisii

We went to a small town called Kisii that last few days. Robert wanted us to visit his family for a couple of days and we have been planning on doing this for a while. He was so excited to have us come to his home and we were a bit anxious about it knowing we would be staying in a village with a Kenyan family. His parents don't speak English and very little Swahili so we knew that language would also be a challenge. They also so have no electricity or running water so we would get the "real" experience. But who could pass up the opportunity to go. Not us!!! So off we went to stay two nights with them. It took all day to get there but we arrived while it was still light. His family(parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins) were thrilled to see us. We felt so welcomed and so comfortable in their home, it was amazing.

Kisii is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. It has rolling hills all planted with coffee, tea, and maze and things grow without fertilizer. I couldn't believe how many shades of green there. I could look for miles and see grass and metal roofs dotting the landscape and it is so peaceful. If I lived in Kisii I would spend all my time sitting and looking. I would never get anything done and I would never read because the landscape is so amazing.

One day while I was taking an African bath (a bucket of water and a cup) the rain began to fall on the metal roof of the shower room and I thought, "I can't believe I am here!!" I was so thrilled to think I got to be staying in a village experiencing what I was experiencing. It is such a privilege to have this opportunity. The privilege that most will never get. And I was filled with such gratitude for the chance to be here.