Friday, May 9, 2008

Because it is an Oasis

We went to visit a place called Oasis of Hope today. This place is a drop in center for street children. Instead of begging for food on the streets they can come to Oasis for two meals a day.
In order to receive the meals they have to leave their glue outside the gates and they have to attend the school there. The school teaches the basics and only lasts a few hours. The have a choice everyday whether to come or not. When Transformed International sees street children who are asking for food they tell them to go to Oasis of Hope and they will get two meals a day. But many of the street children don't go. They prefer to stay on the street, sniff glue, and not have any structure in their lives. The director of Oasis of Hope told me that the street is addictive. It is a sad thing. But the good thing is there are 50 to 75 children a day who show up at Oasis of Hope.
They are successful in educating the children and helping them get off the glue. When they have proven themselves they can go to a group home where there is one mother per 6 to 8 children and they begin to attend regular schools. Oasis of Hope is a great program that is meeting the basic needs of these children. They feed them and give them a place to go where they know someone cares for them.