Friday, April 25, 2008

Because it is hopeless

Street girls?!?!? Hmmm . . . . So much to say. My favorite day so far here has been the day we sat with the street girls. We always go to town and they always greet us. There is one who carries a baby on her back and sales jewelry she has made. She always finds us and talks with us. Each time I see her I want to buy everything she has!!!! There are the ones who yell Daniel and Meredith’s names from across the street and hurry over to visit. They don’t ask for anything, they only want to greet us. One is pregnant, most are high on glue. On this day we went and sat on the steps that overlook the slums. As we sit there the girls begin to come over and greet us. They bring their babies for us to hold. Most of them sit close enough to hold our hands or touch us and it is a friendly conversation one would have with friends in a park. Transformed International will be starting a ministry this year to begin rehabilitating some of these street girls. They will come off the street, get off glue, and learn a trade. TI has the money already to begin this program and is only waiting for the right land to buy to build on. The street girls know nothing of this project. The idea behind visiting the street girls on a regular basis is to build a relationship with them so when the time comes TI will accomplish two things. They will know which girls will be successful in the program and the girls will trust them because they have build a relationship with TI. These girls have nothing!! They have no hope! They beg and prostitute for money to feed themselves and their babies. It is very hard to explain in an e-mail who these young women are. One must see them, hear them and touch them to truly understand. They are the essence of poverty and hopelessness.