Friday, April 25, 2008

Because it is the right thing to do.

The last two days we have met with Kenyans who are taking care of children in need. There aren't many Kenyans who are doing this so it is exciting to see it when it does happen. Daniel Juma lives in this same neighborhood as Daniel in a more Kenyan style home. He has many (in the 20's) children he is caring for who are orphans. When we arrived the children came to greet us and Daniel Juma welcomed us into his home. He had chai waiting along with peanuts and this yummy sweet bread. Daniel has one main person who sponsors his work with others helping. He is amazing and very wise. He has several small businesses that also help support his work and his family.

We also met Walter and his wife in Soy. This is a project that mainly helps deaf children. Where this man found all these deaf children I will never know. Now he lives a mile or so from the main road in Soy in a VERY Kenyan setting. They bath and get their water from the river and live in mud huts. I don't know how he makes it from month to month but he also has several small businesses. Someone sponsors all the deaf children to go to school and school was out so we were able to see all the children. We visited for the day as Anne did some evaluations of other children who want to be in the program and Larry took pictures to send to the sponsor. Daniel helps a Canadian friend with this project.

I had been dishearten at the lack of Kenyan's helping their own people since I got here and of the government being so corrupt and wasteful. I am now encouraged there are people here in Kenya who are willing to care for those in need. Walter and his wife have nothing but they care for these children with great joy in their mud hut in the village. Daniel Juma and his wife are amazing. They are blessed to care for these children and happily take more into their home. So wonderful. They do this all because it is the right thing to do.