Saturday, April 19, 2008

Because it is Reno

Because it is RENO we wake the morning we are leaving to Kenya and it is snowing! Only in Reno after it has been 80 degrees. We get to airport and get checked in and wait for our plane to leave at 9:00am. At 8:45 my phone rings saying my plane is cancelled. What a weird feeling to be waiting in the airport to leave at your gate and getting a phone call saying that your flight has been cancelled. Sure enough, everyone else’s phone begins to ring! The flight was indeed cancelled because our plane would not land due to the wind. We were rebooked on another flight at 11:00 getting into San Francisco to connect to our flight leaving to Paris. It as close but we make it without any problems.

Has anyone ever flown Air France? Well, I don’t know if it is the airline our just our plane but this plane was horrible. Dirty to the point that where the lights are located above us it was full of dust and cobwebs with one light out and the wires hanging. The plane was in terrible repair and Larry and I just looked at each other and laughed! We were so looking forward to our plane ride with the individual screens where you could choose your movie and the great service. They did play movies but you didn’t get to choose and they were on the screens in the aisles. Gosh!! We arrived in Paris for our 9-hour layover. It was long and we hadn’t slept much. One hour before our plane loaded I found these great chairs where you could stretch out and take a nap. I had spend 8 hours in this airport, exhausted and wanting to nap only to find the chairs an hour before we left. We had to hop to Amsterdam and than to Kenya. Air France will no longer fly to Kenya until the political situation in Kenya stabilizes. We flew Kenya Air, again looking forward to the movies. BUT . . on this plan the “entertainment” system was down so there were no movies, music or even your overhead light.

Dan was waiting for us at the airport; we took a taxi to the stage to get a bus to Kitale and arrived in Kitale 48 hours after we left Reno. It was good to be here and to settle in for 12 hours of sleep!