Monday, April 21, 2008

Because it is Kenya shopping for groceries takes all day

Because it is Kenya shopping for groceries takes all day. Our first day in Kenya it was shopping day for our weekly groceries. We sat at breakfast and made up the plan for the week and the menu. In Kenya you have to go to many stores to get the food for the week. There is the supermarket, the outdoor market, the “White” people store and the butcher. I was so excited to be back in Kenya and couldn’t wait until we got to do the walk in town. It is so beautiful here. The sky is fantastic and goes on forever. The birds make the most amazing noises. And the scenery is unbelievable. The hustle and bustle of the small town of Kitale is wonderful. I just love it here. Daniel had just come back to Kenya after being gone for five weeks so everyone on our way and in town wanted to greet him. It seems as if the whole town knows Meredith and Daniel. The businessmen, the boda boda drivers, the street kids and the locals walking on the streets. EVERYONE knows them.

After not being in Kenya for two years nothing has changed in this town. Maybe a new business here and there or a new restaurant but all remains the same. It has the same feeling as before but I have a different perspective. For the first time I feel there is some hope for some of the people. After working in the United States with Transformed International and seeing from that side what we are able to do, I get here and see the work being done.

The street girls here are very sad to me. It breaks my heart to see them. They are so lost. Some have babies strapped to their backs and some are pregnant. There is no hope and the only way to live is to prostitute and sniff glue. Transformed International is planning on starting a street girl project. They have the money and are looking for land to buy to build a house on it. It is really exciting as they could help all the street girls in Kitale in a matter of years. So thrilling!

We will see what God will do.