Sunday, April 6, 2008

Daniel Leaving and Getting Ready

Daniel leaves on Tuesday and we leave the next Tuesday. We will be meeting him in Nairobi after landing in San Francisco, Paris, London and lastly in Kenya. Daniel will fly out of Dallas and head to Canada for a week before leaving the same day that Larry and I leave to Kenya. It has been two years since we have been to Kenya and have never seen any of the Transformed International projects. It is exciting after working so hard in the United States to support those projects to finally be able to see them. I am anxious to meet the children in the orphange, to see the grandma and her 35 grandchildren and to visit the children and widows in Soweto Slums. We may even be there when the widows start their new project in making the paper beads!! So many adventures await us!! It will be sad to leave Luke and Andrew this year as we have never made a trip without them. But they have their own return trips planned and I will rejoice for them when it is their turn.