Sunday, September 27, 2009

Because it is . . . worth making a child feel beautiful.

I met a woman named Diane at one of our home parties several years ago. Diane loves to sew and began making little girls dresses for Kenyan children for the past couple of years. When I would come to Kenya or when Daniel would return from a visit home Diane would have a stack of colorful and beautiful dresses for us to hand out. Last year when I came I was able to give Veronica a beautiful dress. Veronica had just arrived at the orphanage and had been shy and withdrawn. When I put the dress on her she became alive and happy. I know she felt so beautiful!!!!! It was a true gift for her and probably something she had never had. Veronica died two months ago from Aids after getting the chicken pox. Veronica died knowing she was worth a new beautiful dress.

This past week we were able to distribute some of Diane’s dresses at our children’s home. The girls came alive. When we returned on Saturday for our weekly visit they were dressed in their new clothes and were beaming. They looked so beautiful!!

All the way from Reno, NV Diane is making a difference in children’s lives in Africa! Thank you so much for your contribution!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Because it is . . . . time to meet the in-laws.

One of the blessings of this past year is that my son Luke married Ruth and I am now the mother of a daughter. I love Ruth as if she were my own and I have so enjoyed the last six months of calling her my daughter. Ruth makes my world brighter and happier.
The odd thing about having a son marry an African woman is that nothing is "normal" in the process. One of those things is having to come to Africa to meet Ruth's family. After driving in a matatu for 1 1/2 hours we arrive at her home village and walk another 45 minutes to her home deep in the village. Her home is located in a beautiful area of Turbo. When we arrived not only was her family there but friends and neighbors. Her friend Sally had arrived the day before to help the family cook.
I am still processing the feelings I had when I came face to face with Ruth's mother. What is she thinking? How does she feel? Is she sad? Happy? Overwhelmed? What does she think about her daughter being half way across the world in a place she can only imagine? As I hugged her I felt an instant bond, we are now sharing a daughter. I promised her I would take care of Ruth and that I would love her forever. This is a promise that will not be hard to keep.
Ruth had sent pictures for the family of her new life. As I looked at them with her mother her mother smiled and seemed delighted. But . . . was she? How can that possible feel for her? Does she wonder if she will ever see her daughter again? Is it enough to know that her daughter is living the African dream? Probably!!!
I am still processing the day. It may take days or months. It may even take years! I am grateful to have another piece of understanding more about my new daughter.

Ruth's mom and great grandmother

Sister and baby

The home

Ruth's mom and I

Saturday, September 19, 2009


We went to visit In Step this week. This is a home for abandoned babies and there are currently 68 babies there. Jeff and Carla run this ministry and are doing an amazing job. It is well run, clean, efficient and the children are healthy and happy. They have “aunts” who help care for the children, do laundry, clean and cook. It is amazing.

For those of you who know me well you know my weakness for babies. I have been wanting to visit this home for a year and I was thrilled when the day came to go. We drove up and in the front yard were all of the children and babies playing. Imagine the sight, 68 babies and toddlers playing happily in the front yard. I immediately found the youngest baby (8 weeks old) and held him most of the day. I was in heaven. Carla showed us the house and the property and told the most amazing stories on how God has blessed them and provided for all of their needs.

I wonder, what motivates a middle aged couple to take on the huge responsibility of providing care to 68 children? When most couples this age are looking forward to retiring and “doing nothing” this couple is looking forward to the next baby that will come into their home. I am humbled!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Babies In Kenya

A couple of days ago the girls and I walked four doors down from the TI compound to visit a project that has 19 babies at it. This is what I have been looking forward to and couldn't wait. We were greeted so warmly by the staff and by Naomi who is from England and runs the program. We sat and held babies and talk to Naomi for a few hours. I got to hold baby Lillian the entire time. (I know, I don't share well).
As I looked at these 19 beautiful and happy children, I wondered what had become of their mothers. These children had been abandoned to strangers or worse to die. Did their mothers think of them? Wonder where they were? Long for them? Where are they now? I am saddened and confused by it all. As a mother I don't understand. Did their mom's abandon them in hopes for a better future for these babies? Or did they not want the responsibilty of having to feed and care for their child?

Monday, September 7, 2009

1st Week In Kenya

We left a week ago tomorrow for our adventure in Kenya. Larry and I and seven interns landed safely in Nairobi without a hitch. Jennifer's bags did not show up but she received them a few days later and looked great in everyone else's clothes.
This is the first time I have been here with interns and Meridith's husband Sean. What a joy it is to be with such an amazing group of young people and get to be part of their experiences. It is a privilege and an honor beyond words.
It is so nice to know that I will have three months with Daniel and get to be part of his daily life. He is an amazing man and I find out daily how amazing he truly is.
Meridith married since the last time I was in Kenya and I am enjoying watching her and Sean together. What a sweet and loving couple and Sean is amazing to Meridith. My heart sings daily as I watch them.
I don't know what God has planned for me while I am here but I am open to whatever He has in mind.
Andrew leaves the United States today and meets up with Jared in London. I have a feeling they will have many stories and adventures from London to Kitale and I will hold my breath until they arrive.